Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Kindness Day

Monday Fuller Meadow celebrated World Kindness Day by creating our very own kindness rock garden.  Kindergarten and 1st grade classes have been hard at work over the last few days to get these inspirational rocks ready.  First we met with Mrs. Libby's class and painted our rocks.
After our rocks dried, we met back up with Mrs. Libby's class and Mrs. Halligan's class to draw kind messages and pictures. 
Once all the prep work was done, all Fuller Meadow Kindergarten and 1st grade classes met in the courtyard to place our rocks in our own kindness rock garden. 
Thank you to Mrs. Halligan for bringing the Kindness Rock Project to Fuller Meadow.  If you are ever in need of a kind message or something to put a smile on your face, check out our rock garden in the courtyard. Remember, always be kind!

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