Saturday, December 10, 2016

Gingerbread Exchange

1st grade classrooms from Middleton, Boxford and Topsfield partnered up for a 1st Grade Tri-Town Gingerbread Person Exchange.  Each classroom was responsible for creating and decorating a gingerbread person and writing a letter to send to all the other classrooms.  Klipfel and Kids got creative by drawing and decorating our very own gingerbread people.  I love how different they all came out!
After our gingerbread people were ready, as a class we wrote a letter telling the other 1st graders about us.  Top news to share included our love for monkeys, our monkey chia pet and our real winter fireplace in the classroom. Oh and we of course had to send along a joke.  What did the gingerbread man put on his bed?  A cookie sheet!
Finally we packaged our gingerbread people and letters up and off in the mail they went.  Now we wait for our twelve packages from the other 1st grade classrooms to arrive.  We can't wait to learn about all the other 1st grade classes.  
Check out more pictures of the project on Twitter with #TTUGingerbreadExchange.

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