Sunday, December 8, 2024

Touching Space

Our class did something out of this world—literally! Dr. Stifler let us borrow something truly extraordinary, pieces of the Moon and Mars from the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum. We couldn’t believe it—real rocks from outer space, right here in our hands! First, we learned how these incredible pieces made their way to Earth. Meteorites, which are rocks from space, travel through the atmosphere and land on our planet. The ones we held were fragments of larger meteorites that scientists know came from the Moon and Mars because of their unique composition. It felt amazing to touch something billions of years old!

It was hard to believe that these tiny pieces of rock could tell us so much about the Moon, Mars, and beyond. We all agreed that it was one of the coolest days ever. Thank you Dr. Stifler for sharing these treasures with us and letting us experience a little piece of space! Who knows—maybe one day, one of us will discover a new meteorite, or even walk on the Moon or Mars ourselves. 🌕🚀🌌

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