Written by guest bloggers Andrew & Hayden
Let me tell you about the funniest shop in school Klipazon! Ok, today Andrew and I are going to tell you about a shopping paradise. You know how you keep on earning that sweet Klipfel Cash and you don’t know what to do with it. Well, look no further than Miss Klipfel’s “FAMOUS” Klipazon. You can buy stuff from stickers to Chevy to the teacher's assistant. Once you know what to buy and the prices you can save up and spend your pockets out then be kind and earn some more.

All you have to do is type your name in and pick what you want and 2-3 days you should have your order! When Miss Klipfel calls you over, get ready to bring your wallet and have a certificate. When you have a certificate you can only use it right then or before you go out to snack. You might want to save up so you can buy so many things at once! Also, most holidays you will get Klipfel cash or you’ll get a certificate that you can write down anything from Klipazon that you want!
Another way to get Klipfel cash is whenever your class does really well they earn a brownie point and once your tray of brownie points is full of 12 brownies everyone in the class gets a dollar! One other way to get cash is when it's your birthday you will get one Klipfel cash! Don’t forget you can get Klipfel cash to spend at any time! Hope you earn a lot and spend a lot!
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