Written by Guest Bloggers: Livvie & Scarlett
We had to start by doing research to figure out why these places are called World Wonders. We had shared slides between our class in the United States and their Irish class to record facts, figure out where the location is, and a lot more. We even did a shared Padlet to share everything we learned with each other. It was really fun to create this with a class in another country.
After, we had to have an important meeting with them to talk about our final product which was making a Google Site. We met in teams over Zoom to divide up our Goolge Site and decide who was doing what. It was fun to talk and share what we had learned so far about our Wonder.
The final website is absolutely amazing and we spent a lot of time on them we would be super happy if you check it out here😃! Leave us a comment about which World Wonder you would want to visit.
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