Thursday, March 13, 2025

Nonfiction Surgery

Welcome to Howe-Manning Hospital! 4th-grade doctors earned their medical license (nonfiction medical license that is) and performed a day of surgeries. Upon entering Howe-Manning Hospital and Teaching Hospital, medical students took their Medical Board Exam to obtain their surgical license. Medical students needed to apply everything they have been learning about nonfiction text features in order to pass their "exam". After congratulations, handshake, and official job offer from the chief of surgery (aka Dr. Klipfel) doctors scrubbed in and dressed for surgery.

 Once surgical teams were ready it was time to meet patients, read patient charts to learn their symptoms, and determine a diagnosis. Symptoms included confusion on finding where to locate information in a nonfiction text, complaints of not knowing what sections were about in nonfiction, and even difficulty knowing what words in nonfiction texts meant. Luckily patients were in the right place and doctors were ready to help. 

Doctors determined which nonfiction text feature organ patients needed. They prepared organs with scalpels (scissors) and stitched them back up (with bandaids). They then made sure to complete their post-op reports.
Luckily every patient made it through surgery and no doctors suffered any malpractice suits.

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