Tuesday, April 2, 2024

International Teamwork

Written by Guest Bloggers: Anabella & Tessa

We are so excited to share our latest book project we did with our partner class in England. We first had to get ready to make all of our books and that’s called brainstorming. The first step of brainstorming is teamwork, meaning that we have to work together and tell each other what parts we are doing like the opening, rising action, climax (which they call dilemma), falling action, and the ending. We did this with our friends in England so we had to really work together as a team.
Once we knew who was writing each part we had a shared Google slide deck to do our writing. Then we had many Google Meets to do our editing. While we were editing we really worked hard together to make our writing even stronger. We really learned a lot from each other. After we were done writing and editing it was time to Illustrate. That meant we had to decorate our books with drawings, colors, and textures with the tools in Book Creator. Our England friends were new to Book Creator so we had to do teamwork again so they knew how to use it.

When we all finished our projects we shared them all together over a Google Meet. We are so excited to show you our finished published books! Make sure to check them out.

Click here to check out our published books

1 comment:

  1. This was a fun project and you students really rose to the challenge of co-writing a book! I am especially impressed with the way you included your own voices reading your parts of the story so others' could hear the 'action' as you intended. Great Jot!
