Written by guest bloggers and fashionistas Elsie & Brielle & Gabby
Have you seen the newest fashion trends at Howe-Manning!? You won’t believe what we’re all wearing these days. There are outfits that clash! There are outfits that you would never even see! For the hundredth day of school, we celebrated by wearing the weirdest, ugly, and clashy outfits. Mrs. Deurdon’s class joined us as we showed off our outfits and poses! There were people wearing pants on their heads, socks on their hands, lopsided hair, different holiday attire, and make-up galore!
After our fashion show, we wrote about our amazing outfits. Our task was to persuade other 4th graders why we should win the fashion show and be the newest fashion craze at Howe-Manning. We made sure to give a strong opinion, reasons, and examples.
We focused on using colorful and dazzling word choices to bring our posh outfits to life. We learned that you can even find synonyms using Google Tools. Check out our AMAZING OUTFITS.
Who knows you might see these outfits at the mall, school, supermarket or even wedding attire. See you on the runway.

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