The first day of Greek mythology was crazy. We all got to find out who our greek characters are that will guide us through the 12 labors. We had to persevere through the 12 hard labors, just like Hercules did. The 12 labors required different strengths and knowledge as we completed them. For the first labor, we had to read a long passage and then create a sail based on our god to guide our ship as we set out on our odyssey. The next labors were myth mystery questions. In these labors, we had to read passages and then figure out what the clues meant. We used decoders and different hieroglyphics to help. We had a lot of fun trying to solve what the hidden phrase was. We focused on different kinds of myths, like myths that explain nature or myths that have a moral. One of our labors even involved making columns and seeing how strong we could make it. We only got one piece of paper and two index cards. They are really big. Whoever made columns, they must have been really talented because the columns are so detailed.

Our favorite labor was the last, labor #12, where we got to choose a project from our choice board and make it with our group. Some of the choices were to create a sculpture out of clay, make a puppet show, make posters or even video trailers.

Finally, it was time to roll out the red carpet and share our presentations. Some did puppet shows that were presented live, others built clay sculptures of monster or Hercules or Pandora. We had wanted posters from hydra and even a news broadcast. Everyone got to share their amazing projects in front of the whole class and got a class cheer. We were all very proud of our work and posted it on the padlet. Check it out below:
Guest Bloggers Andrew, Nick, Davis
Thanks Miss Klipfel for letting me be a guest blogger.