Look right in front of you. Do you see that? Yes, right there all around you. It's water vapor! Over the past month, 1st graders have become weather experts. We transformed into scientists and began a water cycle experiment. Students constructed Mr. Potato head inspired water cups which we filled with water and put around the classroom. Some experiment cups had nothing on top of them, other had napkins, tissue paper, mustache duct tape and even plastic bags. We need lots of variables for a good scientific experiment.
Students worked as pairs to make a hypothesis about what they predicted would happen. Scientists observed all month making notes, diagrams and observations in their journals. Today was the last day of our experiment because the cup with no covering had only one single drop of water left! It took a few weeks but the water sure did evaporate.
Not only are 1st graders scientists but they have also turned into meteorologists. We have learned about four main types of clouds: cumulus, cirrus, stratus & cumulonimbus. Students have learned describing words for these clouds, constructed cloud flip books and even had Hayley LaPoint, a meteorologist from WMUR visit.
Do you know which clouds are the dark and stormy clouds? Or which clouds sometimes look like pancakes? Make sure to take a peek at the clouds with your child. They have tons of cloud knowledge to share! Science is as much fun as being on cloud nine!
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