I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Richardson's ice cream that is. I'll take a watermelon sherbet with chocolate jimmies, please! Thank you to those who donated to our Halloween Party with delicious food and supplies. A special thanks to our room mothers for organizing our event and all the parents who helped during the big party. Costumes are on and we're ready for some Trick-or-Treating. Happy Halloween from your favorite 1st graders! See your sleepy sugary faces in the morning.
Leave us a comment with the total number of candy you collect tonight! You can even tell us how much candy you already ate.
Colin counted all his candy tonight and totaled at 93 pieces. He also worked on math, grouping and sorting them. He was allowed to keep 12 pieces (plus one bonus for cooperating so well) and the 80 will be donated to the troops!