Inspired by, NO, DAVID!, as a class we read David Shannon's hilarious books about one trouble making boy. We then used David's naughty behavior to discuss the rules of our classroom and school. Students came up with their own rules and put their "John Hancock" on our class constitution.
We the students of room 116 pledge to follow these rules:

Pay attention. Kaitlyn
No running in the halls. Carter
Listen to your teacher. Natalia
Do not scribble on each others' papers. Matty
Follow the teacher. Hailey
No hitting. John
Always raise your hand. Quinn
Don't be late for school. Katherine
No overflowing the sink. Luke
Listen to directions. Marco
Come in from recess when the teacher tells you. Ella
No kicking. Brannon
No piggy back rides. Teagan
Include friends when playing a game. Langdon
Respect our friends. Ashwin
Do not leave the classroom without asking a teacher. Jake
1st graders also used No, David! as the first entry in our read and response journals. After reading all the different David stories, students chose their favorite part of the stories to draw a picture of what they visualized while reading.
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