This year Klipfel & Kids piloted student-led conferences and WOW am I one impressed teacher!
In order to make our student-led conferences even possible students and teachers have been hard at work preparing. Our first days back after Thanksgiving break were spent reflecting. We asked ourselves what's been going well? What have the challenges been? What have we learned and where have our strengths been? We completed this not only for each subject matter but also in our competency areas. We made a chart and brainstormed together to get our juices flowing.

After we had a lot of different ideas on our charts, we were ready to begin working on our own digital portfolios. Using Google Classroom each student had an individual copy of their digital portfolio to complete. Slides included areas for students to fill in where they glow and need to grow, space to reflect on specialist classes along with our Howe-Manning core values and four focus competency areas. Students then selected their most rewarding work sample and their most challenging work sample along with other work samples they wanted to share during their conference. Students and teachers then conferenced and developed two specific measurable goals for the next term. This was by far the most rewarding part for myself and students as we had agreed upon language and clear goals moving forward.

Once our portfolios were complete it was time to practice. Mrs. Deeley's class so kindly agreed to be our "parents" so we could practice presenting. We of course also had to practice with the clicker and laser pointer (which was a major highlight for students).
Finally, students were ready to lead their conference and share their learning. Even with a few slight nerves, students absolutely rocked their conferences. Students were so proud of their work and parents should be nothing but impressed with their skills. As I sat through conferences I was beyond impressed with everything students have learned and shared during our first trimester (and I was there every day with them!) not to mention their ability to speak and present so clearly.
Thank you to all students and parents for supporting your child as they SHINED during their first student-led conference! Also, a huge thank you for all your feedback as we tried this out together for the first time. I am looking forward to our second round of student-led conferences in the spring.