Friday, January 19, 2018

Opinion Writing

In writer's workshop, 1st graders have been working on opinion writing. 1st graders have LOTS of opinions but we have learned that the best opinions are supported with reasons why. To practice our opinion writing, students first voted on their favorite season.

In these seasonal groups, students then worked together to brainstorm why they like that season. Many students loved summer for swimming, fall for leaves, and spring because we finally get warm weather to get outside.
Group members working on reasons for why they love their season
Each group wrote their reasons on large chart paper and then presented their work to classmates. Groups made sure to start by stating their opinion, giving multiple reasons and closing with their opinion. This helped us work on being good presenters and audience members.
We'd love you to leave us a comment with your favorite season and a reason why.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year

To start the new year off right we brainstormed New Year's resolutions. We discussed how these are goals or promises we make to ourselves for the new year. 1st graders used an organizer to think of personal goals, school goals and goals for friends and family. Then they picked one resolution and typed it using the iPads onto our Wallwisher.
We would love for you to add your 2018 resolution to our wall. Just double click anywhere on the wall. Then add your name and type your resolution (I need to approve it before it will show up on our wall). Happy New Year!