Everyone loves a good mystery! Yesterday morning, 1st graders played guess my number with a mystery class on skype. No, we didn't go to Canada. No, we didn't go to Texas. No, we didn't leave Massachusetts. We didn't even leave Middleton. Students were shocked to quickly realize it was
Mrs. Thomson's 1st graders right down the hall! Each class had pre-selected a number between 1 and 120 for the other class to try and guess. We got our 120 charts ready and began asking questions using our good math vocabulary such as
greater than, less than, odd, even and
between. Some friends even asked questions about place value.
We finally narrowed it down and Klipfel and Kids is proud to say we guessed the number correct! We look forward to having more mystery skypes soon. Try playing guess my number at home with the blank 120 chart students have in their folder.